Sunday, August 18, 2013


Overview of Broad Band Services

The confluence of two forces—the globalization of business and the networking of
information technology—has created the Internet economy. Advances in
telecommunications and data technology are creating new opportunities for countries,
businesses and individuals—just as the Industrial Revolution changed fortunes
around the globe. The new economy is defining how people do business,
communicate , shop, have fun, learn, and live on a global basis—connecting anyone
to anything. The evolution of Internet has come into existence & Internet service is
expanding rapidly. The demands it has placed upon the public network, especially the
access network, are great. However, technological advances promise big increases in
access speeds, enabling public networks to play a major role in delivering new and
improved telecommunications services and applications to consumers .The Internet
and the network congestion that followed, has led people to focus both on the first and
last mile as well as on creating a different network infrastructure to avoid the network
congestion and access problems. The solution to this is Broadband.
Broadband indicates a means of connectivity at a high or ‘broad’ bandwidth, which is
capable of delivering multiple services simultaneously. It generally refers to
transmission of data over numerous frequencies. There were no uniform standards for
Broadband connectivity and various countries followed various standards. Recently
ITU had stepped in and has defined Broadband. According to International
Telecommunication Union Broadband is defined as “Transmission capacity that is
faster than primary rate ISDN, at 1.5 to 2 Mb/s” But in developing countries, as the
average financial capability as well as usage, is low, broadband is redefined.
Recognizing the potential of ubiquitous Broadband service in growth of GDP and
enhancement in quality of life through societal applications including tele-education,
tele-medicine, e-governance, entertainment as well as employment generation by way
of high speed access to information and web-based communication, Government of
India have finalised a policy to accelerate the growth of Broadband services.
Broadband Policy 2004 defines Broadband as “An ‘always-on’ data connection
supporting interactive services including, – Internet access and has the
capability of the minimum download speed of 256 kilo bits per second (kbps) to
an individual subscriber from the Point Of Presence (POP) of the service
–The interactive services will exclude any services for which a separate licence is
specifically required, for example, real-time voice transmission, except to the extent
that it is presently permitted under ISP licence with Internet Telephony.

Features of Broadband

· Fast connection to the Internet

Access to the services which would otherwise be impossible on a slower
dial up connection. These include facilities such as downloading music
or video footage, listening to your favourite radio station or downloading
(or sending) large attached files with emails.

· “Always-on” connection

means that you are permanently connected to the internet;hence no
need to dial up a connection every time you want to surf the web, send
email, etc.

· Flat-rate billing

if you choose an uncapped rate there will be no additional charges for
the time you are online.You can use it as much or as little as you would
like, for a fixed fee. Some connections are available at a lower cost, but
limit you to the amount of data being downloaded (known as 'capped

· Dedicated connection

Simultaneous use of both telephone & data line.
Broadband Services

· High speed Internet

means that you are permanently connected to the internet, and don't
need to dial up a connection every time you want to surf the web, send
email, etc.

· Video on Demand

Enables the user to select from an online library of content and select
any of the available choices for viewing at a convenient time with full
DVD like controls. This is similar to borrowing a Video for viewing.

· Video Multicasting

Similar to cable or terrestrial broadcast – the user can join at any time
but the stream begins and ends at the preappointed times.
· Interactive Gaming
Enables multiple players to play online games pitted against each other
or against computers, through gaming servers employed by gaming
content providers.

· Audio and Video Conferencing

Share ideas, information, and applications using video or audio.

· Distant Learning

Consists of electronic classrooms with 2-way and multi-way
communication among teachers and students.
All these services require the service provider to have tie-ups with the various content

Network Architecture of Broadband

Network architecture can be broadly classified into three categories:
1. Last mile connecting the subscriber – Access Network
2. Metro Area Network comprising of Core Network. NIB II Backbone supporting
Multi Service Platform
3. Service Provisioning Equipment at the Provider’s Premises.

Broadband Access Technology

Broadband access technology is broadly classified into two categories. They are
Wired Line & Wireless which is further classified as given below. Wireline
technologies include traditional telephone lines, coaxial cable lines, and fiber optic
lines. Wireless communications involve cellular and fixed wireless technology, high
speed short range communications and satellite transmission.
Wireless Wireline
3G Mobile DSL (Digital Sub’s Line)
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Cable Modem
WiMAX Optical Fibre Technologies
LMDS & MMDS PLC (Power Line Communication)
FSO (Free Space Optics)
For utilizing the existing copper cable, we have adopted DSL Technology.
Because physical infrastructure and geography are vastly different from country to
country, technology that works well in one geographic area may not work as well
in another. Therefore, it is up to each individual locality to determine the
technologies that best meet its needs. To handle the increasing bandwidth
demand, localities are considering upgrading their current telecommunications
infrastructure or installing new infrastructure. It is essential that communities and
operators consider the present and future needs of their citizens when examining
the most appropriate systems. Broadband should be considered an accelerator of
economic development .
Factors affecting Broadband Access Choices
o Population density
o Existing infrastructure (e.g., twisted pair, cable, fiber)
o Government policies
o Competitive and regulatory dynamics
o Technology evolution
o Applications of Broadband
· Basic WWW browsing and Email access
· Run Servers (Web / FTP)
· Business tariff, can depend on company
· Some technologies are asymmetric (cable, ADSL)
· Video On Demand (VOD)
· Audio Streams (Internet Radio)
· Fast File Transfers (Possibility of downloading large files in short period of
Comparative study for various applications using different technologies.
Application Dialup
Download Webpage 14secs 6 secs 1.6 secs 1.6 secs
Download 30 sec Video Clip 3.5 mins 1.5 mins 0.4 mins 0.4 mins
Download Single mp3 file 12 mins 5 mins 1.3 mins 1.3 mins
Download 10mb File 24 mins 10 mins 2.5 mins 2.5 mins
GigE Fiber MDU
Cable modem
Twisted pair DSL
City: High-rise multifamily
Individual singlefamily
Rural: isolated
single family unit

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